Xaraya C. Corliss 
Request for Comments: 0002 Xaraya Development Group 
Category: Informational January 2002 

RFC-0002: Comments API

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Xaraya community. It does not specify an Xaraya standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright © The Digital Development Foundation (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This RFC contains a proposal for the implementation of a comments API.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

All ?xxx numbers refer to the basic documents in section 7. We read through the articles on http://www.postnuke.com, its forum threads, feature requests on sourceforge and the developers mailing list. The following RFC is a first summary and contains some solution proposals either compiled from the basic documents or from general definitions concerning comments systems / forums.

2. List of requirements for the Comments API

The main objective of this API is to provide a small, yet flexible codebase for adding comment functionality to modules. This API will not replace a full-blown forum, but will rather aim to implement core functionality. A forum could conceivably make use of this API to extend on it and provide advanced functionality. It might be feasible to make parts of this API pluggable to allow for the addition of more rendering types for instance.[7] Following is a list of requirements broadly grouped into categories.

  1. Backend
  2. Keep the codebase small to make maintenance easier
  3. Separate display and core functionality code
  4. The API should be completely transparent for the modules, and vice versa. There should be no dependencies between a module and the API.
  5. Provide gateway functions to
    Authors of posts can opt to receive replies to their posts via email. Maybe allow others to subscribe to a thread. Note that this is closely related to a generic Notification API. See section 5 for more information
  6. Make comments url-addressable [4]. This allows to refer to individual comments with hyperlinks.
  7. Provide several search & summary functions, like the date of the last comment for a given discussion [10].
  8. Moderation
  9. Rely on permissons system for moderation access [1]
  10. Implement a bot posting prevention system [3], [14]
  11. Allow the deletion of subcomments. [5] This raises a lot of questions what should happen to child comments if a parent comment is deleted.
  12. Rendering
  13. Provide pluggable rendering modules, maybe from other forums [2] The comments API will ship with a few basic rendering modules such as threaded and flat views.
  14. Implement pagination so that long lists of comments do not overwhelm the layout.

3. Solution proposals - database tables

This is just one proposal for a table structure, the one chosen by the XOOPS project can be found in [21].

3.1 Table Comment

// as the comment repository
commentid        unique long integer value
modname          holds a reference to the module (see section 5g)
hookid           references an item in the module, semantics are
                 defined by the module.
author           foreign key to the users table
title            the title of the comment
comment          the comment, maximum size to be determined
comdate          the date of the comment as UTC timestamp
hostname         records the hostname of the poster
lineage          the family tree upto and including the current 

4. Solution proposals - functions

This is just one proposal for an implementation, the one chosen by the XOOPS project can be found in [20].

4.1 Backend Code

The Backend API gives the developer a means in which s/he can seamlessly interact with the database. All database interaction is completely handled by the following routines. List of Functions:

xarComments_Get(modname, hookid, CommentId=0, depth=-1, sort='ASC')
xarComments_Add(modname, hookid, ParentId, author, title, comment, hostname)
xarComments_Delete(CommentId, delkids=true)
xarComments_Modify(CommentId, title, comment)
xarComment_Search(searchstring [,module] [,hook]);
xarComment_Stats([module, [hook]]);
xarComments_MoveThread(AttachToId, CommentId, IncludeParent=true);

Details of Functions:

In these functions you will notice the parameter 'hook' -- this parameter is the itemid of the module in question (ie., the 'hook' into the module).

Common Function Parameters:

$module:  string (or integer), module name or possibly
          the registered id of the module.
$hook:    integer, itemid of the module. (ie., for
          News module it would be the storyid)

Common Return:

The initial proposal is to have a named array for the comments, the structure of the array is shown below:

"CommentId" => 423,
"author" => "Joey Butta",       // name of the author
"title" => "Booga Booga",       // title of the comment
"date" => "(timestamp)",        // date the comment was made
"comment" => "Nothing to say.", // the comment itself.
"depth" => "3",                 // level depth in the parent/child 
                                   // tree
"hostname" => "",    // hostname or ip of the author
"lineage" => "23:64:234:322:328:423", //"family tree" for the comment
"haskids" => false

Function Descriptions:

        FUNCTION: xarCommentGet
        RETURN: commentarray OR array of commentarrays
            $module:     see above;
            $hook:       see above;
                        $sort:       string ("ASC" or "DESC")
            $commentid:  integer (0 or greater)
            $depth:         integer (-1, 0 or >0)

Acquires comments based on the module/hook and the comment id. The depth parameter allows us to only acquire comments to (n) levels deep. A value of 0 would acquire the sole comment specified by the comment id and -1 would acquire all comments down to the deepest level. If both the commentid and the level are ommitted from the function call (ie., xarCommentGet('News','1') ), all comments for the given module/hook are retrieved. To retrieve a single comment the call would be: xarCommentGet('News',1,5,0) 1 being the storyid, 5 being the commentid, and 0 telling the function to only return that one comment. If sort is specified, the top most parents are sorted by date in the direction specified, otherwise they are sorted in ascending order by date.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentGetKids
        RETURN: commentarray OR array of commentarrays
            $module:     see above;
            $hook:     see above;
            $parent:     integer (1 or greater)
            $level:     integer (0 or greater)

Acquires a list of comments based on a particular thread. This is similiar to the current ?DisplayKids(...) function. The level parameter keeps track of how many levels deep in the the parent/child tree we are. This function is intended to be nested and will be utilized in the function xarCommentGet(...) as a means of acquiring comments down to a particular depth. If there are no children for the particular comment, an empty array is returned.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentAdd
        RETURN: bool (True or False)
            $module: see above;
            $hook:       see above;
            $commentarray: named array

Adds a Comment to the database based on the module/hook and returns a true or false on success. The commentarray contains the actual comment.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentDel
        RETURN: bool (True or False)
            $module: see above;
            $hook:     see above;
            $commentid:     integer (0 or greater)

Deletes comment(s) from the database. If the comment has children and boolchildren is false, all first level children's parent ids are reset to the grandparent's id or zero if the parent is a toplevel comment. Note: this does not affect the relationship between the first level children and any children they might have. Otherwise, if boolchildren is set to true, the comment and =all= it's children are deleted from the database.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentModify
        RETURN: bool (True or False)
            $module: see above;
            $hook:       see above;
            $commentid:       integer (0 or greater)
            $commentarray: named array

Modifies a comment in the database based on the module/hook/commentid. The commentarray contains the actual comment.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentSearch
        RETURN: commentarray OR array of commentarrays
            $module: see above;
            $hook:       see above;
            $searchstring: string

Returns a comment or array of comments based on the search string. If the module/hook is given, it searches only the specific module/hook for the searchstring. If the module is given and not the hook, it searchs for all comments matching the searchstring for the given module only, likewise if the hook is given without the module. If both the module/hook are not given, it returns ALL comments. Note The comment array structure returned by this function is slightly different as it would include the module/hook as key elements.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentNext
        RETURN: commentarray
                    $commentarray: named array

Returns the next comment in the comments array - this function and it's counterpart, xarCommentPrev(...) are helper functions similar in concept to adodb's ?MoveNext() function. Each time this function is called, the array pointer is moved ahead one comment traversing all branches (ie., children) of the tree one at a time until the end is reached (ie., the last comment).

        FUNCTION: xarCommentNext
        RETURN: commentarray
            $commentarray: named array

returns the previous comment in the comments array.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentStats
        RETURN: statsarray
            $module: see above;
            $hook:     see above;

Returns an array with last comment, date of last comment, # of comments etc

4.2 Rendering Code

Rendering will be done through the use of a class factory. This allows for the implemenation of different renderers without changing the API. Each renderer has the exact same methods.

List of Functions

      xarCommentRenderFactory($type) <-- Constructor
      Class Renderer
      Renderer() <-- Constructor
      xarCommentDraw($commentarray, $optionsarray)

Details of Functions

Common Function Parameters

$commentarray   This array holds the comments to be drawn. See
                above for its structure.
$optionsarray   This array holds the renderer-specific options
                in key->value form.

Common Return

All functions in the rendering code return XHTML in a variable.

Function Descriptions

        FUNCTION: xarCommentRenderFactory
        RETURN: renderer class
            $type: the name of the renderer to use.

returns the chosen renderer class.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentDraw
            $commentarray: named array.
                        $optionsarray: named array.

returns the comments specfied rendered in XHTML.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentDrawInput

returns the comment input form rendered in XHTML.

        FUNCTION: xarCommentDrawInput
            $commentid: id of the comment to edit.

returns the comment edit form for the specified comment rendered in XHTML

5. Relationship of the API to other areas


The comments should go through a foul language filter before being posted. That filter should not be part of the comments system though. Also, support for various text encoding systems (HTML, bbcode, wikicode) will be provided by the Textsanitizer.


The Comments API will make extensive use of the Permissions system to implement access control and the display of elements [6]. The option to turn comments on or off for a given module [9] will also be handled by the Permissions system. It remains to be seen whether extensive use of the Permissions system will lead to an overload within that system.


It might be beneficial to attach metadata to comments via the Categories system.


What should happen with orphaned content? [11]

Hooks to external editors

Spell checkers [13] and WYSIWYG editors will be hooked in via the standard methods.

Notification systems

Several aspects of the Comments API would benefit from plugging into a Notification system. This would regularly update subscribed parties on the status of comments.

Module system

The Comments API needs a reliable way to refer to modules. Currently this issue remains unresolved. [15]

6. Code that will need to be rewritten

      and some blocks

7. Tools that need to be written from scratch

A helper function to determine the real IP address of a user. This function can make use of the Forwarded-for header. [16]

8. Current Issues

Current proposal for retrieving comments from the database is very expensive Possible fix: encode the parent/child hierarchy in the key. [17]

9. Retractions

We list features that were considered but rejected for this API below.

  1. Let anonymous users specify a name [12] The reasoning was that we do not want to establish a secondary way of registering with Postnuke, an account light of sorts. Experience with live sites has shown that appending the name to a post works well.
  2. Implement core functionality for a moderation system. There are lots of different ways to implement moderation systems: Karma (ala slashdot.org), Network of Trust (ala advogato.org) [8]. Provide a simple field to record the score of a comment regardless of the means by which this score was calculated. ?Not implemented due to upcoming Rating System RFC/API

10. Changelog

4.1 (January 7, 2002) modified by Carl P. Corliss (aka Rabbitt)
  Added 'haskids' field to db table scheme
  Added function xarCommentSearch to Section 4a 
  (Function List and Description)
  Modified function xarCommentGet -- added parameter 'sort'
4.0 (January 6, 2002) modified by Gregor J. Rothfuss
  Section 4b extended.
  Formatting cleanups.
3.5 (January 6, 2002) modified by Carl P. Corliss (aka Rabbitt)
  Sections 4a, 4b & 9 added.
  #2 of Section 10:Retractions moved from Section 5:Moderation.
  'rating' removed from comment table layout.
3.0 (January 4, 2002) modified by Gregor J. Rothfuss
  Section 8 added.
2.0 (January 4, 2002) modified by Gregor J. Rothfuss
  Database schema added.
  Section 5g added.
1.0 (January 3, 2002)
  Initial Version

11. References

[1]Jim McDonald, “ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pndev/message/5845”, unknown.
[2] chv, hzink, “ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pndev/message/5791”, unknown.
[3]electric monk, “http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pndev/message/5465”, unknown.
[4]goosepro, “http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=485710&group_id=27927&atid=392231”, unknown.
[5]unknown, “http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=456931&group_id=27927&atid=392231”, unknown.
[6]unknown, “ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=477620&group_id=27927&atid=392231”, unknown.
[7]unknown, “http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=484304&group_id=27927&atid=392231”, unknown.
[8]unknown, “http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=27927&atid=392231&func=detail&aid=440629”, unknown.
[9]unknown, “ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=27927&atid=392231&func=detail&aid=442294”, unknown.
[10]unknown, “http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=27927&atid=392231&func=detail&aid=442947”, unknown.
[11]unknown, “ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=27927&atid=392231&func=detail&aid=445490”, unknown.
[12]unknown, “http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=27927&atid=392231&func=detail&aid=455164”, unknown.
[13]unknown, “ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=27927&atid=392231&func=detail&aid=460677”, unknown.
[14]unknown, “ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=27927&atid=392231&func=detail&aid=477934”, unknown.
[15]unknown, “http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pndev/message/8363”, unknown.
[16]unknown, “ http://www.cgsa.net/php/identifierShow.php”, unknown.
[17]unknown, “http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PN-Data/message/28”, unknown.

Author's Address

Carl P. CorlissXaraya Development GroupEMail: URI: http://www.xaraya.com

Intellectual Property Statement

The DDF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information on the DDF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and standards-related documentation can be found in RFC-0.

The DDF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice this standard. Please address the information to the DDF Board of Directors.


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